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Your beginning in paintball.

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    Your beginning in paintball.

    Mine started with day dreaming. In 1989 I was a kid living overseas in Turkey with my family. Dad was an Airforce NCO and we lived at Incirlik. That alone was epic. However, there was no massive amount of options in terms of general shopping. It was the base exchange or mail order courtesy of catalogs. (the good ole days). Anywhoo, There was a section in one of the catalogs I was staring at that had a OG Splatmaster and a description of how paintball was played. I was 12ish at the time and it was laser engraved into my brain. I was going to play that game as soon as I could. Fast forward to 1992 when we moved to San Antonio from Turkey. That year on my 14th birthday my dad took me to Grandpas paintball. It was an indoor field using pump markers. It had an observation booth on the second floor enclosed with plexiglass. In the center of the field was a tower that "Grandpa" sat in. He would observe the games from there. In one corner was an Alamo, on the opposite side was another fort of some sort. Paintballs were paid for by the 10 round tube and fed into a standards size gravity shake and bake hopper. One of the first games that happened I ended up being 1 vs 5 and grandpa was telling the other team that this should be a quick match. Unfortunately for them, I walked all over the 5. Like nasty. As I shoot out the last guy with what I would consider rapid fire (at the time) grandpa is loosing his shit in the tower about how that match went. In order to walk off the field, you have to use the doors under the observation booth. Standing there was my dad with awe struck eyes. I put 4 or 5 shots in to the plexiglass as I walk to the exit. Off the field grandpa meets up with me and tells me that, that was some of the best paintball he had seen. Im sure he meant for walkon noobs because he had a team called Grandmas Hit Squad and I am sure they had some epic moments that he was a part of.

    That was the hook. I did chores for months in order to get a marker setup and a mask. That was 1992 and I have never looked back. In 1997 a buddy and I were invited to play some outlaw ball in an area outside of San Antonio that now has mansions on it. Short version of a long story, A doctor that came into were I worked and saw a welt on my neck knew it was paintball and asked where I played. He invited me and my buddy to meet him up near San Antonio Hills to play an overnight event. Outlaw overnight event.... I should have known it was going to be something wild. Not having money and not knowing anything other than that I considered myself a good baller, I didnt know what to expect. You should have seen my face when I tripped the wire of some sort of flare device at like midnight in this game. Looking at the flare, blinding myself, and then getting hit by about 6 or 7 dudes hiding in the tree lines. That was epic. It wasnt until the next day that I found out everyone out there other than my buddy and I were doctors and spent thousands and thousands of dollars on their gear. They had flares, smoke grenades (like military grade), and gen 1 night vision that they used to stalk us. It wasnt even remotely fair but it was one of the most amazing paintball moments of my life. These guys were hardcore. Cockers, Automags, Shoebox Shockers... they had it all. I had a Spyder with a foregrip expansion chamber. After that night, I was determined to get a cocker. The cocker led to regular play at proper fields. In particular, to PipeCreek Paintball. Its long since closed down but its still fresh in my memory and all the fun we had out there.

    What about you guys? What was the hook that snagged you?
    Last edited by boomersruckus; Today, 10:52 AM.
    Continuing the family tradition of shooting interesting and different people since 1776

    I was like 8 years old (ca 1984) and saw a short news story on TV and have been obsessed ever since.


      A girl I had a crush on at school, 5th grade I think, invited me to her birthday party. But my stupid little dweeb self was too chicken to go. Then, a neighbor down the street who was a little older, also a girl, told me about how she played and it didn't hurt and was tons of fun. So I finally thought ok well of these GIRLS can do it....

      Then I quickly became great friends with a new kid at school who moved there from California. This was suburbs of Portland, OR around 99/2000? He was spoiled, in a good way, by his single mom and had some top notch stuff. Minimag decked wiout I Broomstick, flame drop forward, Intelli frame, clear Revy, ACI Bulldog 68ci, clear JT flex, Urban camo JT jersey, JT sock hat. Dude was agg AF. He invited me to play and lent me his old set up, a power feed PMI Piranha, 20 oz CO2, shake n bake VL-200, and Brass Eagle branded JT Proshield.

      Indoor field in Tigard, OR called Hit n Run. It had 3 different themes rooms that would be opened all at once or one or two at a time. I think it was "war", "city", and "western".

      I remember being so intimidated by the dudes behind the counter ripping an Autococker over the chrono. WTF is that thing?!

      But it was a blast and even though I never hit anyone I was hooked. Bought my own set up shortly after, vertical feed Piranha and JT shields, but never really had money to play, and the parents never really helped out financially. Then we ended up moving not long after so I didn't get to REALLY get into it until a few years later when I started making my own money.

      I bought/sold/traded a ton of markers during that time when I couldn't afford to actually get out to play, always with the hopes of getting out there.

      A few of our friends got into it at the same time, but it quickly died off for many. I'm the only one who actively still plays.
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        I’m glad you asked…

        At first I was afraid, I was petrified…


          Thinking I could live without you by my side
          💀 PK x Ragnastock 💀


            …Thinking how you did me wrong
            I grew strong​….


              When I was in elementary school I read a Hardy Boys Crimebusters series novel called Shoot the Works. It was about criminals practicing a crime using paintball.

              That made me want to try it, and I did the next year. I was about 12 years old. 1998.
              Need Inception Designs or Shocktech Products? Let me know!

              MCB Feedback

              old PBN feedback


              • Riot


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                You’re doing it wrong.

              And I learned how to get along…

              Now you're back..

              "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed."


                From outer space


                  My Dad played a lil bit training with a “emergency response team” he was part of practicing building entry exercises. I always wanted to play. So when a few buddies got together to play I had to try it out. My Dad let me use his VM68 that he eventually gave me. This was around the time the first spyders were coming out. My buddies all had really good much lighter gear that shot much faster. While I was givin my VM I had to buy my own paint and it was super expensive at the time especially at that age. I busted may butt saving every penny to buy paint by the bag. While my friends coming from a broken home had their parents trying to buy their love. These kids had cases their parents bought. Sometimes they were nice and would let me have a bag here and there to play when I didn’t have the money. I think in its prime we had about 10 of us that played outlaw for 3-4 years. I would ride my bike with that heavy ass VM and a few 12oz C02 tanks I got filled at Dicks Sporting goods and Walllmart when my mom went to the grocery store. We all eventually got involved in sports from Basketball, BMX, etc. Fast forward a few years a girl I was dating at the time her cousin played at a Commercial field. I had a good job as a skilled labor, weekends off, and I was Still living home so I had a bunch of money burning a hole in my pocket. So I started playing reck in the woods With my girlfriend’s cousin. A guy at work found out I was playing paintball. So he talked me into tryin ”Speedball”. Well, I took one hit of the Paintball crack pipe and I was hooked. Ended up breaking up with that girlfriend over you guess it Paintball. When I outgrow the local talent Me and my buddies were traveled To New Jersey, about An hour and 30 minutes away. They had an indoor there we would play 3 times a week carpooling whenever we could. back then, they were shooting much for higher rates of fire at very close ranges. I remember my first time down there I came back with my elbow, looking like it had a softball growing on underneath it. I’ve been shot in the elbow so many times because I would chicken wing next week I kept that elbow in. I got bit by the paintball bug Started playing nationals NPPL, PSP, NXL. 5 man Xball 7man whatever I could find or build a team to play. I traveled all over the US it was an amazing experience. Many years and many events later I got burnt out. But I still loved the game so after taking like 6 months off. I bought a high end pump and went back to my roots. I met this really cool group of guys that played scenarios. With my experience they quickly brought me in we built a pump group and had some serious numbers that could dominate on the scenario field. It was really fun times. Then society changed the gaming culture started to leach into scenario paintball. Cheating became rampant game play suffered and the big massive games started to see dwindling numbers with it all the cool extra stuff that made scenario paintball started to die off. The toxic game play destroyed all the good ones. Then I found OSG it was an oasis in paintball. I stated traveling 4.5hrs to play there. The pump seen was amazing, there scenarios out of this world good. The owner let us camp right at the field. I helped bring our pump squad to OSG and build a group of killers that still to this day are a force to be reckoned with. Most of the guys in NY don’t play anymore but the NH group took off running and found a home. I really got into pump that naturally progressed into Stock Class paintball. I loved the challenge and made paintball fun against less experienced players when I wasn’t traveling to OSG. Slims Stock Class games quickly became my can’t miss events. I forget what year I started playing them but eventually but a strong friendship with the group that met two times a year to play Stock Class. Eventually some time around 2019 I met the Ragnastock group and then Pump Kings. Since then I can honestly say I have never had more fun playing paintball. The group of players we have collected from a walks of life is truly amazing. I’m proud to call them my friends…no Family. I’m really excited for the next chapter introducing my two boys who will soon be old enough to play, to the friends I have made along the way.


                  • boomersruckus
                    boomersruckus commented
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                    I had a similar experience that made tourney ball my obsession. I was fortunate enough to play in the NPPL and the Millennium events in 2003 and 2004. Traveled the world as mid 20 somethings paintball thug who thought he was better than he truly was but was still good enough to be a challenge. It wasnt until I got to see the underbelly of the game that I got sick of that style of play. Walk-on and big games were the place to be for me after that. Well, until cheating in those places became prominent. To this day, I thank my lucky stars that there are people who are honest on the field. Guys who yell good hit or wave at you as they walk out. Those peeps keep drawing me back. Speaking of your sons playing. My oldest son has been playing for 8 years now and he is stand alone friends with my paintball brothers. The few I call that at least. He gets online with them and games almost daily. Paintball is good at bridging the age gap.

                  • Chuck E Ducky

                    Chuck E Ducky

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                    Yeah I’m really excited to teach my boys how to play and the art of Stock Class. When I first started to play stock class I met this guy and his son. The kid had no fear followed directions and never left his Dads side. He plays hard and still dose to this day as a teammate. I watched this kid go from a lil knee high squirt to a killer on the field. I’m excited to share that with My boys. I already got some tricked out VSC Phantoms ready when they are for them.

                  And I find you here

                  With that sad look upon your face


                    I should've changed that stupid lock
                    Or made you leave your key
                    ChuckLove on YouTube


                      If I'd a known for just one second
                      You'd be back to bother me


                        Anyone else hear Cakes version of that song in their head? Seems appropriate for MCB
                        Continuing the family tradition of shooting interesting and different people since 1776


                          Nov 1988, some D&D friends and fellow Submariners dragged me off to Combat USA (later called Vanguard Paintball) to play paintball. They had already been playing outlaw and one of them the previous weekend had gone to Combat USA and had a blast. So I went and borrowed one of the guy's PMI Piranha Long Barrel. Played the first game and was immediately hooked. When we walked off after the first game I asked James what he wanted for the Piranha LB and forced him to sell it to me. We played Paintball almost every weekend at least one day whenever we were in from sea. While no day is better then your first day I have maintained a love for paintball from then on. I will play until I am physically incapable. I am working on 37th year of playing.

                          I wish I still had that Piranha LB but it got sacrificed to being a rental when we first opened up Paintball Charleston in 1996 and it stayed with the rental fleet when I had my partners buy me out a few years later. That and a custom "Walnut" anodized uni-bodied Phantom with Crown Point barrel that Mike Cassidy made for Dennis Day the owner of Vanguard Paintball. I know who has it still (Mad Jack) and I run into him still but he cut off the crown point so no longer holds my interest. I played both of those markers for quite a while using an AGD 6-Pak instead of constant air because I travelled a lot to play and getting good fills of CO2 back in those days was inconsistent location to location.

                          "When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

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                          • boomersruckus
                            boomersruckus commented
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                            Hell yeah Grendel. You are truly an old school OG of paintball. Tell ya what, when you and I are both too old or broken to move under our own steam, you can be the gunner on my scenario tank. I plan on dying at the field, sucks for the people who have to deal with my lifeless corpse, but those that do, get to keep my gear.

                          • Grendel


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                            Funny thing when SC Roadkill was attending scenarios regularly we occasionally took our 2 tanks and I was the primary driver for one of them. I plan on making a paintball tank again after I finally retire and have time on my hands.