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MARzAnukkah Givaway
I don't have any Mar or mayo related stories, although I believe some of his "shenanigans" boiled over into the specops pump forum back in the day.
I don't really have an MCB story either, I think the best is just the story that MCB exists.
A place for old/weird/rare and eclectic fellows and markers to reside.
A place for history, storytelling, and rubbing it in just a bit.
If I ever see someone at the field with rare, old, weird my first question is always, "you on MCarterbrown", and if they aren't then I get to share this place.
That is so awesome in my eyes.
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Originally posted by NONOBLITUS View Post
With superman colored shoes (red & blue)eBay 2004+/0- Feedback
PBNation 182+/0- Feedback
Old M. Carter Brown 142+/0- Feedback
New M. Carter Brown 6+/0- Feedback
Almost 2300 all positive transaction feedback.
No Mar specific memories but I second what DieManInTheRough says about seeing someone at the field with unique or old school stuff and immediately asking if they are on MCB.Feedback:
WTB: ICD stuff, single trigger electro frames
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