I present you the Dirty Dozen!
cfos00 - BC2 built by Ty McNeer and cfos00
chplnstone - Kindness (C9 Bluestreak conversion) first build by chplnstone
Jordan - Customized A-Team M14 (Started life as PPS Hurricane 187) modifications by Jordan
AnarchicArctic - Single Action Customs 1868 built by AnarchicArctic
NONOBLITUS - Custom Nickel Plated Hand Loader built by JeeperCreeper
XEMON - Custom "PGP" built by XEMON
JeeperCreeper - Custom Break Action PGP2K built by JeeperCreeper
Alexndl - Big Loop Lever Single Shot built by Chplnstone
Chaos - "Fang" built by Punisher Customs and loved dearly by Chaos
JeepDVLZ45 - Custom Bolt Action Sheridan(128 holes) later diddled on a bit by AnarchicArctic
BrickHaus - Walz custom built by Walz
Kit - MAD rifle/pirate built by MAD Customs
Now for the hard part....get to it!
