And where do we find that asa adapter??
No announcement yet.
Umarex to make a 68 caliber, 5-shot revolver- HDR-68
Im interested to see what type of barrel is in it. There are lots of different valve mods for “self defense” on eBay for these. I’m curious what valve this will use and the best way to mod it. Should get a lil bit of FPS shooting FS rounds. Hopefully we can get a member to print up some wheel holders. Maybe a combo of valve adjusters and the self defense valve stem, may even give it a way to chrono it up and down. Turn down a Tipx rifled barrel and get your Clint Eastwood on. Fingers crossed 🤞 it’s definitely cheap enough to take a chance cutting one up. It could be a lot of fun if we can get it up to velocity. It definitely shoots FS so that’s a dam good start. I’m excited to get mine.
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I’m Even thinking I could use my Palmers 90 on that ASA piece with my ICD lever stock off the grip frame. Like I I do with my Custom Splatmaster.
Attach this adapter to your the launcher and you will able to use any size air tank. Compatible with CO2 and compressed air. Shoot nearly unlimited shot without using any of the 12g disposable cylinders.Compatible with remote line adapters, just attach the existing remote adapter you already have and connect to your air line. Work with standard remote adapter or push button pro-connect. Compatible to paintball air tank with 1/2 inch threadsCompatible to:T4E TR 50 RevolverT4E TR 50L RevolverT4E HDR 50 RevolverT4E HDR 68 RevolverT4E HDS ShotgunT4E TR 68 RevolverT4E TS 68 ShotgunT4E TB 68 Shotgun T4E HDB ShotgunT4E HDP 50 PistolT4E TP 50 PistolT4E HDP CompactPistelle X-68
Well the box came in but no HDR68 😓
Got the asa adapter, it's nine ...
I did made a remote adapter and 3D printed speed wheel (they fit most* umarex).
I'll post pic of everything next to each other when I get a sec.
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I am starting to see a situation of "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" .
I remember another "marker" that was for "less than lethal"/"law enforcement"/"self defense use" pistol that was sold as "you can use it for paintball"
it was the SA-8...
the pepperball gun version of the Tiberius 8 series.
it was even made by the same company, used the same magazines but had an entirely DIFFERENT valve that started at 300 FPS and up
it was clearly marked "not for recreational use"
but yet it was sold CHEAP and alot were bought to use as "paintball guns"
oh the arguments, the claims of "we can modify the valve for under 280, and "who cares if we use it for paintball" .
in the end no field insurance would protect them if they used it (modified or not) due to what it was designated for.
the owner of Tiberius was gracious enough to offer a "trade in amount" (he didnt need to do so) to get the certified for paintball Tiberius pistols.
now again we have clearly (as i understand it) designed and sold as "self defense" launcher of pepperball / self defense rounds.
now again we have people selling it for paintball.
no velocity adjuster but well under 280 feet (claimed) so different that before.
but people will be "modifying" them to get higher so same thing , different change.
with same thing of unless "factory made" the insurance liability due to "wildcatting" in todays "sue people" society the fields insurance wont protect them
so (logically) cant be used unless UNMODIFIED.
Then i see the practical problem that self defense rounds, pepperball rounds, ect use not a gelatin shell but a plastic shell (thin to be fair) or a hard plastic, rubber, ect round.
the design of the gun is to use those type of rounds.
hence the video of PAINTBALLS (gelatin balls with fill) blowing apart regularly.
If your asking my geek / likes new tech ideas side, i love the idea of a PAINTBALL revolver in 68 cal.
but my practical side (and i am a pepperball instructor ) sees just a repeat of the sa-8 debacle.
All i am left to ask is why in hadies isnt this company finding an AMERICAN manufacturer .
that way they can MAKE THEM FOR PAINTBALL and not need to follow European laws that requires it be a "self defense" launcher.
Originally posted by scrounger View Postno velocity adjuster but well under 280 feet (claimed) so different that before.
but people will be "modifying" them to get higher so same thing , different change.
with same thing of unless "factory made" the insurance liability due to "wildcatting" in todays "sue people" society the fields insurance wont protect them
so (logically) cant be used unless UNMODIFIED.
And the same thing apply to all custom guns and third party mods ...
Are we going to prohibit all guns with adjustable velocity?
As far as i know, the field has insurance as long as the projectile are paintballs and they are shot below 280 or 300 (depending on fields) ... they dont care what we shoot them out of ...
The fields that i have seen "prohibit" SA-8 because of the high velocity was to be easier of the staff. If they shoot consistently bellow field limit with a fresh 12g, they're good to go ...
(blanket "this gun is not allowed at this field" are, in my experience, to make it easy on the field staff)
There is no certification process of any kind for paintball guns, and some "paintball guns" were not designed for paintball use. I'm thinking of the 007 and DSDS as prime example; are they "paintball gun"? can they be used in play?
Ultimately, the insurance and industry will be the driver for regulation and certification/approval. But i don't see the entire industry banning virtually every piece of equipment on the market (I may be naïve/optimistic).
This may be a debate for another thread.Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...
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Originally posted by XEMON View Post
This can be said of every paintball guns made ... they all can shoot over 300fps ...
And the same thing apply to all custom guns and third party mods ...
Are we going to prohibit all guns with adjustable velocity?
As far as i know, the field has insurance as long as the projectile are paintballs and they are shot below 280 or 300 (depending on fields) ... they dont care what we shoot them out of ...
The fields that i have seen "prohibit" SA-8 because of the high velocity was to be easier of the staff. If they shoot consistently bellow field limit with a fresh 12g, they're good to go ...
(blanket "this gun is not allowed at this field" are, in my experience, to make it easy on the field staff)
There is no certification process of any kind for paintball guns, and some "paintball guns" were not designed for paintball use. I'm thinking of the 007 and DSDS as prime example; are they "paintball gun"? can they be used in play?
Ultimately, the insurance and industry will be the driver for regulation and certification/approval. But i don't see the entire industry banning virtually every piece of equipment on the market (I may be naïve/optimistic).
This may be a debate for another thread.
all gun valves are DESIGNED to "blow off" at 300 and above .
its a safety feature and no gun is allowed if it can regularly shoot at that speed.
under the insurance of paintball fields YOU CANNOT have a gun, third party mods, whatever that allows that.
you are not "prohibiting all guns with adjustable velocity".. just those that adjust above 300 and those that are not "factory/commercially made" VALVES.
the sa 8 CLEARLY STATES both on its frame and by its certification "NOT FOR RECREATIONAL USE"
Its valve is designed for STARTING AT 300 fps and to 350 fps..
a paintball valve at most is to top off at 300 "
so by its design and certification IS NOT A PAINTBALL MARKER/GUN
no insurance company is gonna allow it no matter what you claim you get it to shoot at.
if someone is hurt the field and person WILL BE SUED and win because IT ISNT A PAINTBALL GUN/MARKER
this argument was tried over and over back when this situation happened and you are making the same rant .
the truth is it isnt a paintball marker nor can it be used as one.
your point about the 007 is missing one thing
the rounds it used were (outside of now we use food dye vs oil based paint) for all practical purposes the same
a self defense / pepperball gun the rounds are different
they use a thin plastic type shell with the powder or liquid fill
it is much more durable in comparison to the gel shell of the paintball round.
hence why it hits with more force and can take the higher velocities that blow apart regular paintball rounds
along with designed to shoot hard rubber rounds as well (harder than reballs)
look lets look at what i said SPECIFICALLY about this revolver.
it was designed by european laws to be a "Self defense " launcher..
dont say i agree with the laws there , just what they are.
it is being advertised as for paintball and thanks to a NON ADJUSTABLE valve the FPS fall well within the legal limits here.
what i am saying is the limit is quite low to be honest and people will try to "modify" the valve for higher FPS.
i understand why but the insurance companies are not like the old days where you can wildcat anything.
valves are one of those.
the video showed standard paintball rounds were being blown apart regularly and i suspect due to it was set up for more durable self defense rounds.
i could be wrong and they work fine with standard rounds just really short range due to FPS
all i am saying is seeing a rush to modify THE VALVE (for higher fps) in way that will (or more likely will) not be supported by insurance.because NOT COMMERCIALLY MADE/CERTIFIED.
then i asked (because ID LOVE A PAINTBALL REVOLVER IN 68 LIKE THIS.. id buy one in a second) why not find a US maker that can take this design and make the modifications SPECIFICALLY for paintball.
that is all
Scrounger. Please don't take my comment as a cheap shot. If anything it was meant in jest. I even thought of the voice of the guy from South Park as I typed it. I honestly took your previous comments as a trollish, so I was feeding said troll to a degree. Sorry if I offended you sir.
2nd on the valves. I understand the ruling behind this, at the same time, what constitutes home modified vs not? I can easily make up a mod for a valve, put the dimensions on paper, and have a machine shop make a batch of said design. Is that still " home modified" ? It wouldn't have any further engineering or testing behind it than the one I fabbed up in my garage, but arguably its not a home mod any more correct? If we sub contracted the valve work out, are they now legal? I feel they would be by he way the law is written up, but no further safety factors are in place at that point. And to Xenoms point, after market companies do this all of the time, and any company based outside of the US doesn't have to adhere to the laws we are arguing about, yet their commercial products can be sold as aftermarket, and legally used. So where is the line in the sand?
Further more , the rules are in place to protect field owners, and manufacturers, not people. As you say, AFTER an incident occurs, then an investigation may be opened, in which case it MAY be proven that your home modified paintball gun caused an injury in which case you would be facing what? Negligence charges if proven? And if you got verbal confirmation to use said device prior to the incident, now who's at fault?
Third. Back to my comment on a machine shop.
Even commercially sold aftermarket parts are regularly sold with no valid proven certifications. That being said, if my ion with a warrior bolt installed shoots hot and hurts someone, do I really have a leg to stand on to sue warrior? Can I request all CMTRs and testing data from Warrior? not likely. so whats the difference? The way the laws are written is to put all blame on the trigger man regardless of whoms really at fault, so why even adhere to said laws? ( serious question)
4th the model being sold in the US by MCSUS is being sold as a paintball gun. The rated energy output is 7.5 Joules. Which is well under the figured energy of a paintball fired at 280 fps. Adjustable or not these should be deemed safe for paintball use. And if it gets a first strike round down range at 245 fps. No further modifications would be needed. That being said. If the valve was modified to get a bit more out of round ball, and ir to get first strike velocity below 250fps. I still dont see the issue short of some rich guy isnt going to be responsible IF something bad happens.
5th we all sign limited liability waivers when we hit the field. Last one I looked through pretty much stated that me as a player assumed all responsibility for all injuries I may have on the field. I know these can be diced up in court quickly, but I think most fields are so heavily invested in that waiver, that they aren't actively checking guns for modifications.
At some point common sense has to over rule law, because law lacks common sense in most cases.
Back to my trollish comment. On one hand you state we cant use these pistols AT ALL as they arent rated for recreational use. Qnd you keep sighting the SA8 debacle, but imo thats apples to oranges as the energy outputs are on the opposite side of the safety spectrum.
On the other hand you say we can't mod the valves to get closer to the safety limit. Which has some validity, but again we are splitting hairs here for laws and bylaws that arent really enforced. This is also a modification no one will notice without prior product knowledge and or thorough inspection. So unless a nation wide insurance ban occurs, I do t see how I will be prevented from using this pistol.
if you say it was made in jest part of it.. ill take it as such
no harm done
as for "common sense has to overrule law" sounds good in theory
but if its the LAW or what is allowed by an insurance company they overrule common sense.
its sad but true
if (ex) someone used a modified valve for a paintball gun that was not covered by the liability insurance (right or wrong/ logical or now)you can scream "common sense" till your blue in the face.
you still will be on the hook legally and claiming "common sense" isnt gonna save you
sometimes you cant win so dont try it.
scrounger i totaly agree with hyou about wishing there were a dedicated, paintball designed platform.
American made gear will be expensive and will never be within the price range of these (look at the DRV, nearly 10 times the price).
Originally posted by scrounger View Post
first paintball gun valves MAY shoot over 300. but thats due to a MALFUNCTION and not what its designed for.
all gun valves are DESIGNED to "blow off" at 300 and above .
its a safety feature and no gun is allowed if it can regularly shoot at that speed.
under the insurance of paintball fields YOU CANNOT have a gun, third party mods, whatever that allows that.
you are not "prohibiting all guns with adjustable velocity".. just those that adjust above 300 and those that are not "factory/commercially made" VALVES.
Are all paintball guns "malfunctioning"?
Originally posted by scrounger View Postthird.
the sa 8 CLEARLY STATES both on its frame and by its certification "NOT FOR RECREATIONAL USE"
Its valve is designed for STARTING AT 300 fps and to 350 fps..
a paintball valve at most is to top off at 300 "
so by its design and certification IS NOT A PAINTBALL MARKER/GUN
no insurance company is gonna allow it no matter what you claim you get it to shoot at.
if someone is hurt the field and person WILL BE SUED and win because IT ISNT A PAINTBALL GUN/MARKER
this argument was tried over and over back when this situation happened and you are making the same rant .
the truth is it isnt a paintball marker nor can it be used as one.
There is a big difference between what the gun is being marketed as/for and what it is designed to shoot, this ties into #4. I have seen TIPX and T8 "paintball" pistols advertised and sold as "self defense" and "less than lethal", also seen police use Tippmann for "crowd control". Some of those are fixed velocity, but most are the same as the "paintball version".
On the other side, most of the Umarex line is sold as "paintball pistol" even when they are fixed velocity and marked at 355fps:
Same thing on the website:
Clearly there is a disconnect between "advertised for", "designed for", "used for" and "insured for".
As a side note, here is what is on the HDS68. Ill check the note on the HDR68 (and post it) when I get mine.
Originally posted by scrounger View Postlook lets look at what i said SPECIFICALLY about this revolver.
it was designed by european laws to be a "Self defense " launcher..
dont say i agree with the laws there , just what they are.
it is being advertised as for paintball and thanks to a NON ADJUSTABLE valve the FPS fall well within the legal limits here.
what i am saying is the limit is quite low to be honest and people will try to "modify" the valve for higher FPS.
i understand why but the insurance companies are not like the old days where you can wildcat anything.
valves are one of those.
the video showed standard paintball rounds were being blown apart regularly and i suspect due to it was set up for more durable self defense rounds.
i could be wrong and they work fine with standard rounds just really short range due to FPS
all i am saying is seeing a rush to modify THE VALVE (for higher fps) in way that will (or more likely will) not be supported by insurance. because NOT COMMERCIALLY MADE/CERTIFIED.
then i asked (because ID LOVE A PAINTBALL REVOLVER IN 68 LIKE THIS.. id buy one in a second) why not find a US maker that can take this design and make the modifications SPECIFICALLY for paintball.
that is all
This would mean all PPS guns (and all Sheridans with enlarged valve/transfer port), all aftermarket cocker valves, all Tippman modified to with extended transfer tubes, all spiders with aftermarket springs would also not be covered by insurance?
(I am genuinely asking here)Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...
XEMON's phantom double sided feed
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That makes sense, I get your concern.
I disagree with the after market, they don't go through anything ... Any company can make parts and sell them. But your point remains valid.
I'll look through the manual of the umarex to see what it said on there.
Now I'm curious to get my hand on a field insurance policy to see how they phrase things 😅
THANK YOU XEMON for a rational and logical discussion.
Nice to see
as others seem to miss i am NOT against a revolver nor this one as is (except for the practical blowing up paintballs on firing and low non adjustible FPS).
IMO it looks cool as hell and if had higher velocity and not blowing up paintballs would get one (price within reason of course) in a second.
hell i do run from time to time with my splatmaster and splatmaster rapide.
im just warning/erroring on side of caution so someone doesnt "cross that legal line" (be innocent, arrogance or ignorance) and get jacked up legally.
i would be very curious what you find out about this and change my view depending on facts.
Look, I just want to know, can you shove first strikes in it and I make annoying long ball shots at around 275-280 fps with pretty simple mods. That's the only thing stopping me from slamming the order button on friday.I could have sworn I had something important to put here...
Your friendly neighborhood Hive Tyrant. Convert to the cult Automag.
The SoCo fields just run a blanket 285 or sub 300.
It will shoot FS as is. There is a shooting video of it doing so. While velocity is on the low side from the factory there are several mods for “self defense” that up the velocity on some of the valves commonly used in theses markers. My hope is we can get them shooting closer to 300fps, With a few mods. May even be possible to make them adjustable like the TR50’s.
Originally posted by scrounger View Post
first paintball gun valves MAY shoot over 300. but thats due to a MALFUNCTION and not what its designed for.
all gun valves are DESIGNED to "blow off" at 300 and above .
its a safety feature and no gun is allowed if it can regularly shoot at that speed.
The valve in any marker does not know what the velocity of the paint coming out the barrel is.
There are a few blow off style purge valves out there but they are on the regulators not the main valve of the marker alsoA) they are designed to protect the solenoid and internals from damage not control velocity
And B) they work off of pressure not velocity
You can set up a marker with a short overbore barrel shooting 300fps, then switch to a longer tighter bore and you will be shooting well above 300fps. There was no malfunction or illegal marker modification and you don't even need to touch the pressure/valve
There are many factors that control velocity, pressure is only one of them so any "blow off" wouldn't be able to control velocity on it's own
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Originally posted by KTThose 68 start to coming around MayLove my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...
XEMON's phantom double sided feed
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that new adjustable Ninja tank reg installed would go perfect with this pistol , and a remote line'd be able to tweak velocity from that adjustable reg I would guess'96 RF Mini Cocker, '95 RF Autococker, 68-Automag Classic, Banzai Splash Minimag, Gen-E Matrix, Shoebox Shocker 4x4, Montneel Z-1, Tippmann Pro-Carbine, Tippmann Mini-Lite, Tippmann Model-98, Tippmann 68-Special, Spyder .50 cal Opus/Opus-A , Tippmann .50 Cal Cronus , Gog Enmey .50 cal , Tippmann Vert ASA 68-Carbine, Bob Long Millennium, ICD Grey Green Marble Splash Alleycat Deluxe (runs liquid co2) , Halfblock 2K4 Prostock Autococker , 2K RF Sniper II
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