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JT "Birthstone" Series Flexes (IZE-ish)
Oh God here comes another influx of $350 a piece flex prices again
Been pondering selling or trading my OG purple IZE frames myself tbh, hell I could care less and I'd much prefer a light blue or orange set or frames on my Proteus
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Don’t do it the thin frames look so much better.
Flex prices are really silly. I played a lot from 2006-2010 or so and got back in around 2017. Amongst my old gear was a pro flex that was part of a package deal back in the day. I ended up selling the separate parts for a couple hundred bucks after using it for a while and finding out the parts were sought after.
I like fancy masks and jerseys as much as the last guy, but to me it's well worth it to sell an old flex and buy a similar new one and have cash leftover, especially since the new clears are relatively cheap and dying isn't that complicated in my experience.
I'm one of those freaks who only likes thin frames and 20+ year old bottoms. The new GI molds for bottoms are ugly
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I had one of the custom build dealios when I got back in maybe circa 2015 and sold it to a kid in NC $150 and bought a brand new E-flex with money to spare. I don't really care about looking cool anymore. I'd rather a functional mask and easier lense clean/change.
The new bottoms are shaped differently. I feel like they are wider at the cheek area between the frames and bottoms. I definitely prefer the classic bottoms but I do like the new options for color. Thin frames are definitely my preference they are easy to change lenses on and I think they look way better.
What really blows my mind are the super dead parts, people on FB are paying $1400 for a damn mask like y'all come to your fucking senses
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You sure? sounds to me like people are getting BookFaced. They get hyped up by people just saying things are worth a lot but behind the curtain they are just ripping people off. With the idea they are buying something special. The “what’s it worth” threads do this all the time. People can take hear say and turn it into real sales. A price can be Heavily inflated without ever actually putting your money up for it.