I had a copy of the list saved from early 2019. This is definitely NOT the most current, as there were several additions/modifications since then that were lost in "The Hack". So let me know if you need your number added.changed...
I’ve gone all through the old thread today, and tried my best to compile a comprehensive and current collection of the Carter’s Commando clothing characters
. I encountered many setbacks. Somewhere around 2010, I became lost in a quagmire of binary translations of fables of frolicking furries… But then I recalled images of the smiling faces of my eagerly waiting fellow Hawaiian-clad teammates, and trudged on through the muck and mire. After hours of scrolling, checking, and partial loss of sight in my left eye…
Ladies and Gentlemen of our good forum, I give you the updated…
Carter’s Commando Jersey Numbers
1 Cat
0.001 Siress
2 Lawn, also ATBen
02 desertT1
002 Drum
3 SuperHiQuality87 (also claimed by rats)
3.141592.... oldschool (he’s claiming up to ~1000 digits)
03 Rainmaker
4 noxx55
04 Cyberkill04
004 Ryantuomi
5 Yellow5
05 snaparen
6 oldschool (a second one)
6.9 pbmafia
06 Malafanango/Jager
7 Thelar
07 p8ntninja
007 §TOCKCLA§§
8 chplnstone
08 cookies
9 Magoo (previously DeTrevni)
09 moving_target
009 war009
10 ~FinSec
11 Schmitti (east coast). taco (west coast).
12 AtaraxicEric
13 VonOrt (also claimed by AnarchicArctic)
013 pinkanese
14 C5TEK, and Memornix
15 SpinDoctor15
16 Demonio (also Falcon16, and Paintslinger16 sharing)
17 Chaos
18 Bob T Guy
19 minimag03 (also claimed by Suga Mama)
20 woodviper (also Hawkeye20 sharing)
21 Painthappy (previously Honk phantomwes)
22 Clearush
23 d4rksabre (also claimed by dkv23, and alpha_q_up)
24 Deuce
25 Epic_Scotsman
26 greenmtnphantom
27 Mouse
28 redman
29 Lone Goose
30 CrazyRuskii
31 sdawg
32 El Gringo
33 Mr.Rush
33. Pump&Run
34 nuclear zombie
35 Pinkanese (relinquished by Greenmtnphantom??)
36 Wildgoat
37 Murph
38 psunitro
39 kappy
40 coyote
41 The Flounder
42 Fluff, Stilgar, steel toe, secretweaponevan
43 sloonan
44 Bagels
45 Steel Tiger
46 Lt. head-shot
47 GanonsGrin
48 braelito
49 Beccolter
50 Uranus
51 ghilliesuit
52 Manning
53 Ranger 53
54 wycked54
55 Feyd
56 Havoc
57 splattttttt (officially retired)
59 wthomas333
61 bmann61
63 redsquirrel (63VDub = inactive)
64 Spider
65 SuperAtomic
66 Conker
67 DashHopes (also claimed by Jahnman)
68 AmericanPaintball
69 TheYoda (Tugboater203 gave him 69)
70 BVB
71 Bradys71
72 shadow_772
73 Wycke
74 Critical
75 BLachance75, and bluto
76 nutttts
77 Moosepatrol
78 CrazyBoy78 (also ToyBox sharing)
79 WilD
80 Mozak
81 chopper duke
82 Ghost Flanker
83 Kraus (also claimed by cave_hero)
84 Jordan
85 Slim (maybe heinous too)
86 Axel
87 Whee McGee
88 Stuffy
89 PJ (also claimed by butters89)
91 Meleager7
92 Pintbuster
95 ketzer7
96 eddie
97 Harb (officially retired)
98 grimace
99 Dave Cameron (and Deadmeat99 sharing)
100 RUN100
101 PITAson
103 ComradeBenedict(previously killedcookie)
104 evilkid94
111 LudovicoSoldier
113 Alexndl
114 Burris
117 Walking_Target
121 Stitch Lrrpie-CT
130 WickedKlown2
138 ChaplainBane (also claimed by Roach)
151 Soolio
199 JoEyBaTTs
201 Lawndart
203 Tugboater203
222 RenegadexSS
247 pfd247
256 Modokun
269 Darring D
289 Buck
300 thisissparta
303 cellophane
301 Cook
314 ilivlife
320 shifty
323 1shot
357 Silverback
383 Alleybu
401 Titus
404 Marauder_Pilot
409 MadCat
411 Jkoselka
413 Maj Tom
416 TCPaintball
420 pizzaluvr
426 Gas mask
442 Rothstein
444 FullContactUSA
455 Mayvik
480 TKSTristar
501 anomoly40
512 Goat
514 Amber
518 Obake
555 chopper duke (his 2nd number)
565 zinger565
570 FtrankTheTank
576 Trueblue
609 splattttttt (Officially retired)
621 lizardking132
626 ARH (East Coast) Stitch (West Coast)
628 magmoormaster
632 LUKE
666 Born4Evil
668 usagi_tetsu
704 Interl0per
710 Pogi Si David
711 bigguns711
726 JeeperCreeper
762 Wraith
770 Goblin770
777 tebbydear
787 climberex
804 ironklad
808 Bang*Bang**
814 a5hellcat814
818 Warmongrel
845 ProtoNY
911 inkundone
951 rudz
999 Jesterbuilt
1018 a.greenleaf
1060 Db1060
1111 Mkeeks
1189 butters89
1217 masternater1217
1313 Phantom1313
1337 scottthetot
1759 BigRed
1836 wthomas333 (his 2nd number)
1898 nerdcore
1969 Cdn_Cuda
1984 Grendel
1985 Falcon16
2112 jbtamu1011
3737 ChoSanJuan
4761 oldschool (again)
5000 gainman
5150 HurtCow
5266 glaman5266
6202 ksciupider
8645 Looper
176,400 oldschool (he really likes numbers)
The Oddballs:
Any claim that includes any character other than a number or a decimal point (you guys just couldn’t pick normal friggin numbers, could ya…)
ƒ OpusX
-∞ (Negative Infinity) jhyan
-1 Dr. VonDeafingson
-13 Carp
1/0 Battlespam
1/2 Headshotted
1 40 OldGadget
8} Bigtuana
8==O Uranus
9 ¾ Ferak
∞ (Infinity) Mstrtal
B-17 B-17
c283 OpusX
CDXX Hooligan
e VVulfe
Foxy BenoitOWN
i Engus
LXXVII left handed
NCC-1701 hmudd13
P16 paintslinger16
RR_56-82 MrKittyCatMeowFace
SH*T edwards1
ST-321 Bob T Guy
THX 1138 Harbinger[TG]
TK-421 super-cameron
WOPR DPrekel
XIX packersrule729
XLII Stilgar
x^n Skippy
ZAP paintzapper
? ATBen
!! Listessa
** Listessa
@@ Listessa
:^D criticalhammer
:3 Stripes
;,,,; Siress
ΘΘ (double theta) Kermitt
*kanji 88* ducksauce
√-1 tymcneer
$$$--> dirtylittlemo
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/thumbs/hoofprint.jpg[/qimg] Buck
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/thumbs/42.gif[/qimg] HP_Lovecraft
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/C42.jpg[/qimg]55 BLC_Misfire
NOTE! I am pretty much nearly entirely 98% positive that I missed someone or copy pasted wrong at somepoint. So let me know if your number is wrong or you need to be added. I’m willing to commit to updating the list about once a week initially. Then as needed after that. There are a few instances of people sharing numbers, and these have been agreed to by both parties (as far as I know). If there is conflict with these, resolve it amongst yourselves and let me know if I need to make a change.
And finally, since it was asked 37 times in the original thread: No - you may not have the number 00 or 0.
I’ve gone all through the old thread today, and tried my best to compile a comprehensive and current collection of the Carter’s Commando clothing characters

Ladies and Gentlemen of our good forum, I give you the updated…
Carter’s Commando Jersey Numbers
1 Cat
0.001 Siress
2 Lawn, also ATBen
02 desertT1
002 Drum
3 SuperHiQuality87 (also claimed by rats)
3.141592.... oldschool (he’s claiming up to ~1000 digits)
03 Rainmaker
4 noxx55
04 Cyberkill04
004 Ryantuomi
5 Yellow5
05 snaparen
6 oldschool (a second one)
6.9 pbmafia
06 Malafanango/Jager
7 Thelar
07 p8ntninja
007 §TOCKCLA§§
8 chplnstone
08 cookies
9 Magoo (previously DeTrevni)
09 moving_target
009 war009
10 ~FinSec
11 Schmitti (east coast). taco (west coast).
12 AtaraxicEric
13 VonOrt (also claimed by AnarchicArctic)
013 pinkanese
14 C5TEK, and Memornix
15 SpinDoctor15
16 Demonio (also Falcon16, and Paintslinger16 sharing)
17 Chaos
18 Bob T Guy
19 minimag03 (also claimed by Suga Mama)
20 woodviper (also Hawkeye20 sharing)
21 Painthappy (previously Honk phantomwes)
22 Clearush
23 d4rksabre (also claimed by dkv23, and alpha_q_up)
24 Deuce
25 Epic_Scotsman
26 greenmtnphantom
27 Mouse
28 redman
29 Lone Goose
30 CrazyRuskii
31 sdawg
32 El Gringo
33 Mr.Rush
33. Pump&Run
34 nuclear zombie
35 Pinkanese (relinquished by Greenmtnphantom??)
36 Wildgoat
37 Murph
38 psunitro
39 kappy
40 coyote
41 The Flounder
42 Fluff, Stilgar, steel toe, secretweaponevan
43 sloonan
44 Bagels
45 Steel Tiger
46 Lt. head-shot
47 GanonsGrin
48 braelito
49 Beccolter
50 Uranus
51 ghilliesuit
52 Manning
53 Ranger 53
54 wycked54
55 Feyd
56 Havoc
57 splattttttt (officially retired)
59 wthomas333
61 bmann61
63 redsquirrel (63VDub = inactive)
64 Spider
65 SuperAtomic
66 Conker
67 DashHopes (also claimed by Jahnman)
68 AmericanPaintball
69 TheYoda (Tugboater203 gave him 69)
70 BVB
71 Bradys71
72 shadow_772
73 Wycke
74 Critical
75 BLachance75, and bluto
76 nutttts
77 Moosepatrol
78 CrazyBoy78 (also ToyBox sharing)
79 WilD
80 Mozak
81 chopper duke
82 Ghost Flanker
83 Kraus (also claimed by cave_hero)
84 Jordan
85 Slim (maybe heinous too)
86 Axel
87 Whee McGee
88 Stuffy
89 PJ (also claimed by butters89)
91 Meleager7
92 Pintbuster
95 ketzer7
96 eddie
97 Harb (officially retired)
98 grimace
99 Dave Cameron (and Deadmeat99 sharing)
100 RUN100
101 PITAson
103 ComradeBenedict(previously killedcookie)
104 evilkid94
111 LudovicoSoldier
113 Alexndl
114 Burris
117 Walking_Target
121 Stitch Lrrpie-CT
130 WickedKlown2
138 ChaplainBane (also claimed by Roach)
151 Soolio
199 JoEyBaTTs
201 Lawndart
203 Tugboater203
222 RenegadexSS
247 pfd247
256 Modokun
269 Darring D
289 Buck
300 thisissparta
303 cellophane
301 Cook
314 ilivlife
320 shifty
323 1shot
357 Silverback
383 Alleybu
401 Titus
404 Marauder_Pilot
409 MadCat
411 Jkoselka
413 Maj Tom
416 TCPaintball
420 pizzaluvr
426 Gas mask
442 Rothstein
444 FullContactUSA
455 Mayvik
480 TKSTristar
501 anomoly40
512 Goat
514 Amber
518 Obake
555 chopper duke (his 2nd number)
565 zinger565
570 FtrankTheTank
576 Trueblue
609 splattttttt (Officially retired)
621 lizardking132
626 ARH (East Coast) Stitch (West Coast)
628 magmoormaster
632 LUKE
666 Born4Evil
668 usagi_tetsu
704 Interl0per
710 Pogi Si David
711 bigguns711
726 JeeperCreeper
762 Wraith
770 Goblin770
777 tebbydear
787 climberex
804 ironklad
808 Bang*Bang**
814 a5hellcat814
818 Warmongrel
845 ProtoNY
911 inkundone
951 rudz
999 Jesterbuilt
1018 a.greenleaf
1060 Db1060
1111 Mkeeks
1189 butters89
1217 masternater1217
1313 Phantom1313
1337 scottthetot
1759 BigRed
1836 wthomas333 (his 2nd number)
1898 nerdcore
1969 Cdn_Cuda
1984 Grendel
1985 Falcon16
2112 jbtamu1011
3737 ChoSanJuan
4761 oldschool (again)
5000 gainman
5150 HurtCow
5266 glaman5266
6202 ksciupider
8645 Looper
176,400 oldschool (he really likes numbers)
The Oddballs:
Any claim that includes any character other than a number or a decimal point (you guys just couldn’t pick normal friggin numbers, could ya…)
ƒ OpusX
-∞ (Negative Infinity) jhyan
-1 Dr. VonDeafingson
-13 Carp
1/0 Battlespam
1/2 Headshotted
1 40 OldGadget
8} Bigtuana
8==O Uranus
9 ¾ Ferak
∞ (Infinity) Mstrtal
B-17 B-17
c283 OpusX
CDXX Hooligan
e VVulfe
Foxy BenoitOWN
i Engus
LXXVII left handed
NCC-1701 hmudd13
P16 paintslinger16
RR_56-82 MrKittyCatMeowFace
SH*T edwards1
ST-321 Bob T Guy
THX 1138 Harbinger[TG]
TK-421 super-cameron
WOPR DPrekel
XIX packersrule729
XLII Stilgar
x^n Skippy
ZAP paintzapper
? ATBen
!! Listessa
** Listessa
@@ Listessa
:^D criticalhammer
:3 Stripes
;,,,; Siress
ΘΘ (double theta) Kermitt
*kanji 88* ducksauce
√-1 tymcneer

$$$--> dirtylittlemo
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/thumbs/hoofprint.jpg[/qimg] Buck
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/thumbs/42.gif[/qimg] HP_Lovecraft
[qimg]https://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/C42.jpg[/qimg]55 BLC_Misfire
NOTE! I am pretty much nearly entirely 98% positive that I missed someone or copy pasted wrong at somepoint. So let me know if your number is wrong or you need to be added. I’m willing to commit to updating the list about once a week initially. Then as needed after that. There are a few instances of people sharing numbers, and these have been agreed to by both parties (as far as I know). If there is conflict with these, resolve it amongst yourselves and let me know if I need to make a change.
And finally, since it was asked 37 times in the original thread: No - you may not have the number 00 or 0.