I am sure that this has been brought up and shot down or used and abused more times than one can count, however i am doing it again. Is there any way that we could get the calendar working? It would be nice if we could post upcoming events in the calendar, that or have a place that events can be posted so that someone can verify them and then post them in the calendar? In an ideal world the calendar would have maybe 3 colors to correspond to each game type, meetup local game, scenario / big game, or Tournament, or 7 colors one for each local games area.
For fun birthday's and other items could be listed if the person has enough reputation (make it a setting that can be turned on and off in my profile and default to off). If we are going crazy with it maybe talk to our local historians and see if they want to post important dates in paintball history.
For fun birthday's and other items could be listed if the person has enough reputation (make it a setting that can be turned on and off in my profile and default to off). If we are going crazy with it maybe talk to our local historians and see if they want to post important dates in paintball history.